About Us

HR Marga serves  as the compass that guides organizations through turbulent waters, helping them navigate challenges while staying true to their core values and vision.

We commit  to collaborate closely with your organisation, to  foster long-term, sustainable growth. Our expertise and strategic approach to human resources management will ensure that your business can adapt, succeed and thrive in an ever-evolving landscape.

Models and methodologies by which we operate

Idea farming

A conceptual approach that involves cultivating an environment where ideas are generated, nurtured, and harvested to drive innovation and organizational growth.  This technique encompasses various strategies and practices aimed at encouraging brainstorming, knowledge sharing, and experimentation, creating fertile ground for creativity and collaboration amongst stakeholders.

Feedback and Focussed Group Discussions

Feedback and focused group discussions are vital HR techniques for gathering insights, opinions, and suggestions for  informed decision-making and improving organizational processes.This engages employees, fosters communication, and drives continuous improvement within the organization. By actively seeking and responding to employee input, we demonstrate our commitment to the employee voice and contribute to a culture of transparency, trust, and collaboration.

Guided implementation

Guided implementation is a strategic HR technique that involves providing structured support and guidance to programmatic teams during  the process of implementing new policies, procedures, systems, or initiatives within an organization. This approach aims to facilitate smooth transitions, enhance employee understanding and adoption, and maximize the success of the implementation process.

Experiential learning

Experiential learning is a dynamic HR technique that emphasizes learning through first-hand experience, reflection, and application of new knowledge or skills in real-world contexts. This approach recognizes that individuals learn best when actively engaged in meaningful experiences that allow them to explore, experiment, and draw connections between theory and practice.


Effective HR consulting isn't just about solving problems, it's about empowering organizations to unlock the
full potential of their greatest asset – their people.

Manu Srinivasan

Our Vision

Our vision is to extend beyond traditional HR practices, to consistently and creatively create meaningful and valuable connections between business, strategy and people.

Our Mission

We empower organisations to transform that knowledge gained from years of practice into actionable strategies that drive lasting change.


Our value-add goes beyond the numbers and policies; it’s about creating meaningful connections, fostering collaboration, and cultivating a culture where every input is considered, every voice heard and every person thrives



Manu Srinivasan
Surdeep Bangaru